
"Empowering you to find balance and thrive with IntuitiveWellness coaching."

About me

Welcome to IntuitiveWellness, where I believe that true healing comes from within. My mission is to guide and coach individuals to tap into their inner healer and unlock their full potential for optimal health and wellness. At IntuitiveWellness, I am the founder, Lubka a Certified Holistic Health coach, Certified Professional Life Coach, NLP practitioner, Certified Transformation Life Coach, Certified Spiritual Coach, Certified Quantum Healer, and Reiki practitioner.

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One-on-one coaching sessions: Personalized guidance and support to help you tap into your intuition and find your inner healer.

One-on-one coaching sessions provide individualized support and guidance to help you connect with your intuition and unlock your inner healing potential.

Spiritual coaching: Connect with your spiritual self and learn how to use spirituality as a tool for healing and personal

growth with the guidance and support of a spiritual coach.

Holistic health assessments: A comprehensive evaluation of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being to create a personalized wellness plan.

A holistic health assessment combines physical, emotional, and spiritual evaluations to develop an individualized plan for overall well-being.

NLP techniques: Learn powerful NLP techniques to reprogram your mind and overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors.

By utilizing NLP techniques, individuals can transform their mindset and break free from negative patterns to achieve personal growth and success.

Make a reservation


Opening hours: on appointments only

Address: Cyprus

+357 99898662

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